
Inventive prodigies
2010/07/09 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



Sometimes an inventor's career can start way before adulthood. A nine-year-old boy recently designed a hydro-electric generator that could be installed on domestic water systems, and he sold it for 1 million NT dollars. A college student also made a fortune by inventing a new set of "easy-to-use" chopsticks. Both of them are living proofs that as far as creativity goes, age is not a factor.

The 75-degrees chopstick makes it easy to use, even for those who have never seen chopsticks before, making it effortless to picking up a peanut.

The small invention earned the college junior Wu Yi jeh NT$500,000in patent royalty, which will go towards the graduate school tuition fund.

And for the 9 year old Deng Li Wei, who is still in grade school, he was inspired on a trip with family to Sun Moon Lake and invented the turbine faucet electricity generator, which won himself 1 million NT$.

The computer simulation showed that, the generator would save a building of 125 households an average of NT$80,000 in public utility cost per month, making the patent money of NT$ 1 million seemed well worth it.

Both students make a fortune from their invention, proving that little ideas go a long way.

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關鍵字Inventive prodigies hydro-electric Generator chopsticks Sun Moon LAKE electricity Generator
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