
Pratas eco diversities
2010/07/29 06:45 綜合報導     地區:高雄市報導



The Pratas Islands, located southeast of Kaohsiung City, falls within the jurisdiction of Chijing district of the Kaohsiung city.

The islands, is an important military base, and is home to the only Marine National Park of the R.O.C.

The government plans to open the islands for ecological tours on certain conditions.

Let's follow our camera to the Pratas Islands to check out its beautiful coral reefs.

Colorful tropical fish, coral reefs, star fish, sea urchin and more marine organisms can be seen here at the Pratas Islands.

The special natural ecological views even include the sight of gray-faced Buzzard Hawk.

At the northern tip of the Souther China Sea, the islands is 438 kilometers southeast of Kaohsiung city, and administered as part of Chijin district.

Its address is NO.52, Tungsha road of Kaohsiung City, a strong declaration of its sovereignty.

Of course, the islands offers beautiful sceneries that can take your breath away.

Red coral reef deposits are almost everywhere on the natural white sandbeach.

There are as many as 281 types of coral reefs in the sea.

As the area is unpolluted, it has become the best environment for coral reefs to grow.

With seagrass bed under the sea, the islands has a diverse organism group, including Lemon Shark .

The diverse natural resources and gorgeous scenery of Pratas Island urge us to treasure and preserve them more carefully.

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關鍵字Pratas Islands MILITARY Base marine national Park ecological tours coral reefs tropical fish marine organisms
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