
Taertan island opens to media
2010/07/30 06:45 綜合報導     地區:金門縣報導



Taertan Island of Kinmen is only under 5 kilometers across the water from Xiamen island, where people on the island can see across to China with their eyes.

There are no civilians on the island, only troupes stationed there, as it is a military zone.

Though with the eased tension between Taiwan and China recently, there are still land mines being set up by the army.

On the eve of the Taertan island wars 60th anniversary, the island is open to the media for more people to get a closer look into the mysterious military zone.

It takes 30 minutes to reach Taertan island from Big Kinmen Island.

Taertan Island is at the mouth of Xiamen bay and is 5 kilometers from little Kinmen and only 4.25 kilometers to Xiamen island.

Tatan island and taertan island total only 1.07 square kilometers, the size of Taipei citys Ta-An forest park.

In order to strengthen military power, the island is set up with land mines everywhere beside the harbor, and that has been the way for the past 60 years.

It is common to find unexploded bombs left from the war with war slogans everywhere, with the most famous words in red on the wall across from the Xiaman bay that reads, The Three Principles of the People shall unify China.

The wall is a popular travel destination of Mainland Chinese tourists, with each paying RMB100 to take the ferry as close to the wall as possible.

There are no civilians on the island, only troupes.

Simple generators provide electricity and water is from under ground water source.

The soldiers would need to raise their own livestock and plant vegetables, other supplies are sent from Taiwan.

It is a mysterious island to most people for it has not open to media often in the past.

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關鍵字slogans WAR army zone MILITARY island Xiamen Kinmen island Taertan
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