
Urban spotlight reopens
2010/08/02 06:45 綜合報導     地區:高雄市報導



Kaohsiung City's landmark "Urban Spotlight" will be going back to its glory days very soon.

The once prominent location is re-opening this coming weekend after being closed down last September due to the bad economy. Now, the city government has decided to decrease the royalties and has recruited new business owners in order to revive the important site.

The dining section of the Urban Spotlight had been idle for one year.

Many people are excited to hear the news that the popular hangout is to reopen soon.

Surrounded by public art objects, Urban Spotlight is the origin of the city's aesthetics.

The coffee shop opens around the evening, offering the rich aroma of coffee in the Central Park.

However, due to the poor economy in recent years, the previous food and beverage service provider lost NT$8 million in a year and had to shut down the service.

After one year of discussion, the Kaohsiung city government decided to lower the royalties substantially.

The cost for service providers to station in the area is only one tenth of the previous rate.

Finally, the strategy works and new stores are coming.

But the public has mixed opinions on whether the reappearance of business activities in the park represents the revival of the Urban Spotlight.

While having business activity is one of the ways to attract crowds, some residents suggest the government to have a district planning for the park, which gives each district a different function and creates a quiet place within the park.

Such planning should be able to enhance the leisure and tourism quality.

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關鍵字Urban spotlight reopens landmark BUSINESS activity
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