
Arats Zhang Mingqing Visits
2010/08/03 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



The Vice President of China's Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Strait, Zhang Ming-Qing, is visiting Taiwan again. During his 9-day trip, he plans to travel to the north, central and eastern Taiwan but will stay away from the south of the island.

Zhang is invited to a forum held by the Academic Foundation for Advancing Chinese Modernization.He will travel to central and eastern Taiwan but not to the south

where he was pushed to the ground by DPP Tainan City councilor

Wang Din-Yu during his first visit to Taiwan two years ago.

However, Zhang keeps a relaxed composure this time and believes that the scuffle won't happen again.

Zhang visited Chinese Cultural University at Yangming Shan after his arrival in the afternoon on the 1st of August.

For the next two days, he will attend the conference on advancing Chinese modernization at Shih Chien University.

The 20 scholars traveling with him will have a chance to interact with their Taiwanese counterparts.

Zhang will also meet Chiang Pin-ku, chairman of Straits Exchange Foundation, at the opening ceremony.

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關鍵字Arats Zhang mingqing visits The Vice President of China's Association for Relations Across The TAIWAN Strait Zhang Ming-Qing
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