
Train Fans Reunited
2010/08/09 06:45 綜合報導     地區:苗栗縣報導



The now 58 year-old American is visiting Taiwan to reunite with the train operator he met 43 years ago at the Miaoli's Shenghsin train station.

With their shared pictures, the power of Internet, and the assistance of a Culture and History employee, the foreigner is able to meet with the 81 year engineer once again to reminiscence the past.

With a cute and bright smile, the blonde American boy in the picture is Loren Aandahl.

This photo was taken in 1967 in Shenhsin train station at Miaoli County.

At the time, he was 16.

He also took photos with the two friendly train drivers.

Aandahl came to Taiwan with his missionary parents when he was two and studied in the country for 16 years.

He took train to school weekly and grew a strong bond with railway.

Now he's already 58 years old with gray hair.

Looking for his childhood memory, he posts the photos on the Internet and tries to look for the train drivers.

The photos were discovered by a culture and history worker.

The driver on the right, Chen Chun Lai, is now 81-year-old and retired long ago.

Chen was surprised that someone still remembers him after half a century.

He still remembered the American boy who used to ride the train frequently.

Excited by the good news, Aandahl plans to visit Taiwan in October.

The old driver welcomes the American visitor in English.

Thanks to old photos, they are able to reconnect after several decades.

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關鍵字reunite Train operator Miaoli Shenghsin Train FAN Railway
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