
Endangered Formosan Salamanders
2010/08/11 06:45 綜合報導     地區:嘉義縣報導



We are not the only one that is hoping for cooler days. Formosan salamanders which have survived from the ice age, are finding the temperature

High temperatures in summer are unbearable for human beings and are more unfavorable for Formosan salamanders, which has survived in humid and cold environments at mid to high altitude since gracial melting happened billion years ago. If the temperature continues to rise, the impact on the species will be far more severe than on other organisms.

What's hidden beneath the stones are the secret from the gracial epoch.

With a big head, short limbs, and a slippery body, the species of amphibian, Formosan Salamander, is listed as Critically Endangered species in Taiwan

Researchers have found 5 different species of Formosan Salamanders in Taiwan. Although there's only been a limited studies, scholars have noticed the difficult survival issues that the amphibian is facing.

Because there are not enough samples to study, the life of Formosan salamander remains a mystery to biologists.

Since there are many mountains in Taiwan, the geography presents a disadvantage for Formosan salamanders to propagate.

If the temperature continues to rise, it will have negative impact on Formosan salamanders for they can't stand hot weather.

It takes a long time to observe the temperature changes and the impacts on organisms.

While Taiwan has enough data for temperatures, it lacks information on biology changes.

Given so, researchers continue their effort in mountains, in the hope to build a solid foundation for better studies in species survival and environmental changes.

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關鍵字Formosan salamanders HIGH altitude species organisms Critically endangered
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