
Riding Through Midlife Crisis
2010/08/12 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



The purchase of flashy cars by middle-aged men has long been considered a sign of mid-life crisis, but according to a recent British survey, a growing number of men are bypassing cool cars in favor of racing bikes in their attempt to overcome the anxiety of aging. Is it the same case with Taiwanese men? Let's find out.

If you're wondering why there are more and more middle aged male cyclists around Taiwan these days, a recent survey from the UK may give you some ideas.

The survey says that a growing number of men, aged between 35 to 45, are no longer coping with their midlife crisis by driving fancy cars, but by riding fast bikes, which can be reflected in the 8% rise in sales of bicycles to British men of this age group.

But why bikes in particular? Some believe that the reason lies in the unspoken messages that a cyclist sends out, such as masculinity, a youthful spirit, and eco-consciousness.

Yet there are still a lot of middle-aged cyclists claiming that their love of riding bikes has nothing to do with age at all. They just love this sport. So, are these men simply in denial or is the survey somewhat biased? Well, you be the judge.

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關鍵字crisis midlife through Riding British survey bypassing
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