
Lover's Legend Comes To Life
2010/08/13 06:45 綜合報導     地區:宜蘭縣報導



To wish the public a happy Chinese Valentine's Day, the Yilan County government has recreated the romantic scenery from a Chinese love story, through the Magpie Bridge, which oversees the Dongshan River.Now, let's take you to the symbolic bridge to experience it all.

The Weaver is dancing alone beside the Dongshan River, and looks forward to its once a year visit with the Cowherd as they meet in the galaxy.

This 220 meter long and 18-meter wide Magpie Bridge conveys the story of the Weaver and the Cowherd,

and on the eve Chinese Valentine's Day the location is particularly attractive with lights decorating the area and leading many romantic boats passing allowing many to fall back in love.

With the feeling of sweet love in the air, and even if one does not have a love, one can also quickly declare their love in this "love prompt delivery" box with some making confessions of love,

and expressing feelings that they otherwise not say which would go to the county government and on Chinese Valentine's Day will appear in the galaxy above the Dongshan River, making for a very romantic summer night.

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關鍵字RIVER Dongshan bridge Magpie county Yilan Chinese Valentine's DAY lover LEGEND
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