
Teen Helps Out Grandpa
2010/08/15 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台南市報導



A teenager in Tainan spent his summer helping at his grandfather's ice pop shop, trying to continue a family business while strengthening generational bonds.

In the 50-year-old ice pop shop, an ice maker is creating a loud noise.

After the summer vacation, Yong-long is going to be in the 9th grade.

Instead of hanging out with classmates and friends, he chooses to help his grandfather with the business, making ice pops.

Though the job is not especially tiring, the teenager often finds himself drenched in sweat.

In fact, no one in his family forced him to work at home.

The only reason that he stays home is to be with his grandfather, who, now in his eighties, started the ice pop shop several decades ago.

But sales of this product have been going downhill as customers nowadays have more choices for refreshment.

Yet the shop owner insists on keeping the business going.

So Yonglong decides to offer his grandfather a helping hand.

During the summer, both of them can often be seen working together and discussing about new flavors.

For the teenager, sharing time with his grandfather at the shop will be among his best summer memories.

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關鍵字teenager Tainan grandfather ICE pop shop family BUSINESS refreshment
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