
Slimming Chopsticks
2010/08/17 06:45 綜合報導     地區:高雄縣報導



A salon in Kaohsiung has recently developed a new method to help alleviate stress and reduce leg swelling.What is this secret beauty tool that has proven to be effective? Let's find out on CTS.

A beauty salon in Kaohsiung is helping their customers regain beauty and fitness by chopsticks.

The customer's leg circumference measured before the massage is 42cm.

After pushing the chopsticks back and forth for 10 minutes on each leg, the customer's leg circumference now is measured 41.1cm only.

The idea of this innovative approach to massage legs with the chopsticks and essence oil comes from traditional Chinese medicine.

By massaging the legs, it helps to realign body energy flow and improve the swelling of the legs.

The tip is to roll the chopsticks back and forth over the legs along the muscle and without pressing too hard on the bones.

The chopstick massage can also be applied on the back and neck too.

It helps alleviate stress and revive the cells.

The massage therapist said that surface of chopsticks is smoother and it is safer to use chopsticks than ordinary massage tools.

But there's a reminder for people who want to try this approach: massage for 10-15 minutes at most and do not press too hard to avoid injuries.

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關鍵字beauty salon Kaohsiung alleviate stress fitness chopsticks
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