
Improving Airport Service
2010/08/22 06:45 綜合報導     地區:桃園縣報導



Good Morning and thank you

for watching CTS News.

I am Cary Chuo.

In order to improve the service quality at the Taoyuan International Airport, the Ministry of Transportation and Communications recently conducted a survey of traveler satisfaction. In a report released on Friday, overpriced food in the airport's restaurants topped the travelers' complaint list, followed by confusing traffic signs.

The Ministry of Transportation and Communications recently conducted a service quality survey for Taoyuan International Airport.

According to the results, which were released on Friday, the top five complaints cited by travelers were:

1) the prices and selections of airport restaurants;

2) the peripheral landscape around the airport;

3) parking fees;

4) the high prices of products sold in airport stores;

5) unclear traffic signs.

Many travelers also complained about the frequent leaks that occur whenever it rains. While the MOTC has set up an airport reform task force, few expect changes.

The airport's luggage carts, for example, have been a problem for a long time but no action has been taken to replace them.

According to those that participated in the survey, improvements are unlikely unless action is undertaken.

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關鍵字Taoyuan International airport Service quality Ministry of transportation and Communications traveler satisfaction overpriced food Complaint list
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