
Student Shortage Looming
2010/08/31 06:45 華視新聞     



As the new semester starts in elementary schools around Taiwan, students may find their campuses less and less crowded. According to the Ministry of Education, the number of first graders each year has been steadily dropping due to declining birth rates. And local elementary schools are expected to face serious problems of student shortage in just three years' time. Every new school year, parents accompany new students who are about to embark on their path of academics. New, excited students look from left to right, trying to anticipate what new adventures their school will bring. Recently, a classroom like this of 30 students sitting side by side is becoming a rare sight in other districts. Even Dun-hua Elementary is expecting a change in the future, because although it still has over 500 students enrolled, it's seeing a steep decline in student numbers on the waiting list. The MOE estimates that in 3 years, student numbers will decrease from 230,000 to 190,000 and cause of a surplus of educational faculty and facilities. However, Prinicipal Wu sees this as an opportunity and reminds the government to provide more resources in improving Taiwan's education.

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關鍵字student shortage Looming elementary school Ministry of education Dun-hua elementary
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