
Hau Stays Upbeat Despite Crisis
2010/09/14 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



With Taipei Mayor Hau Lung-bin's electoral crisis still escalating, some analysts fear that his problems may eventually hurt KMT's campaign in Xinbei City as well. But Hau dismissed such depressing thought by asking his entire staff to fight on.

Mayor Hau is attending the Matsu Cultural Festival, paying his tribute to the goddess and praying for a good election result for the upcoming Metropolitan Election.

Since the Xinsheng Overpass procurement scandal, the KMT has been under attack by the media and the oppositional party, DPP.

As a result, this has affected the mayoral election in Taipei City, and some say even the Xinbei City mayoral election for the KMT may be hurt.

In order to minimize the damage, mayor Hau has been trying to put a positive spin on the party and hope to reverse this situation.

At the same time, the opponent from DPP, Su Tseng-chang, is a big hit at his campaign.

Holding his fellow party member legislator Wang Shi-jian's hand, Mr. Su hopes there will be more DPP members getting elected into the City Council.

As the Taipei City mayoral election heats up, Mr. Su is gathering speed on his campaign and boosting confidence and publicity among his fellow party candidates for the Metropolitan Elections.

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關鍵字Metropolitan elections Hau Stays Upbeat Despite crisis Taipei Mayor XinBei City Matsu Cultural Festival legislator Wang Shi-jian
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