
Fishing Industry Faces Damage
2010/09/22 06:45 綜合報導     地區:嘉義縣報導



Farmers are suffering from huge financial losses after the storm battered Taiwan. In Chiayi, the oyster farms are torn apart, cutting down their chances to profit on Mid-Autumn Festival, when the demand is at its peak. In Kaohsiung, the fishermen are facing significant damages as well. With dead fish and garbage left to net, they are calling it the worst in 40 years.

The typhoon has caused serious damages to the aquaculture industry in coastal regions both in Chiayi and Kaohsiung County.

The oyster racks in Budai Port were blown away and shattered by the wind while oysters were carried away by sea waves.

Although some oyster farmers have collected the oysters before the storm hit, the harvest falls short as the demand during mid-autumn festival soars.

Consumers will likely to see a hike in the oyster price due to the hampered harvest.

In the Dongshi Port, thousands of hectares of oyster cultivation field were also damaged and the estimated loss may reach millions of NT dollars.

In Kaohsiung County, fish farmers are busy cleaning up after the disaster. The flooding has not only ruined the farms, but also washed away most of the living fish to the puddles on the streets.

Finance damage is estimated at between 700,000 NT dollars to 800,000 NT dollars per hectare of fish farm.

In addition, the fishnets and traps along the shore are destroyed, leaving only trash and dead fish behind.

With as many as 188 hectares of breeding ponds in Kaohsiung County affected, aquaculture losses totaled 167.29 million NT dollars.

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關鍵字Port Budai racks OYSTER Festival Mid-autumn damage FACES industry Fishing
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