
Pork Price Hike
2010/09/23 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



You may have realized that pork prices for yesterday's celebration were more expensive, since the cost has just hit a five year high, at 73 NT dollars per kilogram. Aside from pre-festival increase in pork demand, damages caused by Typhoon Fanapi also contributed to the price hike.

Mid-Autumn Festival is here.

Many people buy pork to prepare for barbeque.

But the average price for pork per kilogram is about 10 NT$ higher and consumers were hesitant when making a purchase.

According to the auction prices at Yunlin meat market on September 21st, the average price per kilogram is 73 NT$, the highest record around Mid-Autumn Festival in the five years.

Besides the higher demand during the annual festival, the price hike is also related to Typhoon Fanapi.

Although the prices are higher than usual, some pork vendors absorb the cost over the fear that consumers won't buy pork anymore.

Staff members at the meat market told us that pig farmers are affected by the typhoon as Southern Taiwan is suffering from the flood.

But in other counties and cities, the peak period for boar supply is coming.

So the market supply should be enough and it is estimated that the prices would return to normal levels in the near future.

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關鍵字pork PRICE HIKE Mid-autumn Festival pork vendor typhoon Fanapi
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