
Installing Flood Barriers
2010/09/25 06:45 綜合報導     地區:高雄市報導



After the flood, the central government is subsidizing up to 50% on the installation cost of flood barriers for residents living in areas prone to flooding. However, many residents think that the proposal fails to address the real problem and what the government should do is to raise its overall flood control capacity.

In Kaohsiung city, 192 buildings were seriously affected in the flood last weekend. It took 3-4 days for the residents in Kaohsiung to draw the water out of their basements. Many people discovered that during the typhoon, the flood barrier at the garage ramp was not enough to stop the water; water came in the building directly from the front door.

The central government is planning to do what it did last year after the 88 flooding, which is to subsidize 50% of the cost for people who install flood barriers.

The government believes that flood barrier will help prevent water from entering the houses and the situation would be fine. However, many people are not optimistic about the so-called solution.

For instance, almost every household in Pingtung's Linbien area is equipped with a flood barrier, but during the flood last weekend, it seemed that those barriers didn't work at all.

Many people questioned the quality and effectiveness of the barriers while some in the areas not seriously affected worry that they won't get the subsidy and would face the same problem from future floods. People think that the government should come up with a better flood prevention plan before next year's rain season arrives.

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關鍵字flood barriers installation flooding Kaohsiung City typhoon
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