
Dirty Baby Seat
2010/10/13 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



When you eat out, make sure the children's seat is relatively clean before you put your kid in it. Recent report shows that baby seats have a high level of bacteria that could significantly increase their chance of getting sick.

The four-year old Meimei enjoys going to fast food restaurant very much. Because, she eats and plays at the same time, ketchup and fries do not only land in her mouth but also on her table. After picking up these remains for the last bite, she also put her beloved toy into her mouth. That's the scene usually happens when Meimei is taking her meal.

Now, one new research in the U.S. discovered that baby high chair offered by restaurants could possess 18 times more germs than toilet seat covers. You could even find a food remains on almost every baby high chair. Children who were sitting in these seats could have taken the invisible colon bacillus and staphylococcus aureus with their meals.

These bacteria are mainly responsible for dermatitis, urinary tract infection and acute gastroenteritis.

It is not a surprise that children could eat all the bacteria by one touch and suffering from sickness when they got home.

To prevent the situation happening, the best method is cleaning the chair before your child takes the seat.

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關鍵字dirty baby Seat sick fast food restaurant toilet Seat staphylococcus
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