
Boost Eel Sales
2010/10/26 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



Eel is rich in DHA and Vitamin E, and has been one of Taiwan's major exports to Japan. However, the domestic sales of eels are relatively low. To lend a helping hand, the Council of Agriculture is holding a promotional event, by presenting free eel dishes to the public.

This long queue snakes around many bends as a free eel tasting involving recently cooked eel which is crispy on the outside and tender inside.

Children are even enjoying this meal.Eel is rich in DHA and vitamin E and has a high nutritional value.

It is popular with consumers in Japan, and Taiwan's eel exports to Japan every year is around 10,000 tons with a production value of 5 billion NT$.

Despite the large number of eel production in Taiwan, many local people still don't eat much of it, just 20% of total output.

At night, fishermen go to the rivermouth to catch eel fingerling.

Taiwan's eel exports have achieved a dazzling performance when it comes to raising these eels, but still has no ability when it comes to breeding.

Now, garbage and pollution have affected the river and eel fishing is declining.

When the water was clean, fishermen had no problem catching 10,000 eels, as some say they are clad to catch a few 100.

Its hard to clean up river pollution in one day, and it could lead Taiwan to experience a considerable loss in foreign trade as well as impact the overall environment.

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關鍵字boost Eel sales DHA Vitamin E Taiwan's major exports TO JAPAN The Council of Agriculture fishermen HIGH nutritional value overall environment
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