
Suhua Highway Dispute
2010/11/04 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



Following a massive protest by Hualien residents, the Suhua Highway improvement project immediately passed environmental review at record speed on Monday, which many civil groups criticized as a "compromise based on political concerns." But Premier Wu Den-yih has denied such an accusation.

The environmental impact assessment of the Suhua highway improvement project was passed conditionally after two preliminary review meetings within 14 days.

Before the review, Premier Wu Den-yih hinted the passing.

Hualien county residents spent 14 hours to get to Taipei.

When asked whether they were succumbed to pressure and gave the evaluation a green light, commissioners of the environmental impact assessment panel dismiss the rumor.

But environmental groups criticized that no controversial case could have been passed the review in such a short time frame and believed political interference played a role in the process.

Despite the criticism, premier Wu Den-yih stressed nothing like that happened as the decision was made after experts discussed for a year long.

But Wu added that he hoped the commissioners don't make other waves.

Since typhoon Megi severely pounded the Suhua highway, the environmental impact assessment was brought up and given top priority.

The preliminary review was passed within two weeks, breaking the record of the fastest ever.

Environmental Protection Administration doesn't rule out organizing an environmental assessment meeting this week to confirm the approval.

Ministry of Transportation and Communications promised to contract out the project by the end of this year.

Infuriated by the government-backed moves, these environmental protection groups say they've decided to organize a rally next Saturday to express their anger toward the government.

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關鍵字Suhua Highway dispute Civil groups Premier Wu Den-yih Environmental Ministry of transportation and Communications
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