
Caterpillar Float Revealed
2010/11/12 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



The highlight at the Taipei International Flora Expo, is probably the 40 meter-long, 4.5 meter-high caterpillar float. The rainbow colored bug is entirely constructed using green and recycled materials, costing nearly 20 million NT dollars to make.

The sight of the colorful rainbow caterpillar float thrills spectators of all ages.

On the fourth day since the Taipei International Flora Expo opened to the public, the weather is great.

Tons of visitors packed the Dajia Riverside Park at the Expo.

One of the most eye-catching attractions must be the colorful caterpillar float.

The eyes of the caterpillar even blink from time to time.

It may be surprising to some that the huge caterpillar can even move.

In fact, there's a round space with a radius of 4.5 meters inside of it.

A driver and a sound technician are working together inside to control the whole float.

Since the driver cannot have a full view of the surrounding, he relies solely on a small monitor to see what's outside.

The speed is less than 3 kilometers per hour, pretty much like that of a real caterpillar.

If you have time to check out the Expo and when you see the float, don't forget to wave and say hi to the hardworking driver inside.

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關鍵字Caterpillar Float revealed Taipei International Flora Expo colorful Caterpillar Float eye-catching attractions
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