
Zhang's Residence Open for Tour
2010/11/15 06:45 綜合報導     地區:新竹市報導



Hsinchu County's travel agencies are now offering a historical tour for the growing number of Chinese tourists, by providing them a glimpse of the place where legendary "Young Marshal", Zhang Xueliang spent 13 years of his life in. Now, let's take you on a journey to explore the residence where late Zhang was held as a prisoner of conscience for kidnapping Chiang Kai-shek in 1936.

Legendary warlord Zhang Xueliang, better known as the "Young Marshal", played an important role in the Chinese modern history and has been widely known across the Straits.

Because of the Xi'an incident, Zhang was put under house arrest in Wufeng Township of Hsinchu County for 13 years.

The residence hidden in a high mountain was opened to the public in December 2007.

The number of visitors in last year exceeded 210,000. Many of them are Chinese tourists.

Betting on the strong selling point, the County Government launched a series of products featuring the Young Marshal, including cute version of the former warlord and other novelty items.

Since the government is likely to lift a ban on visits by individual Chinese tourists, both local governments and private sectors are trying their best to lure Chinese visitors.

Hsinchu County government is to attend the Shanghai World Travel Fair held next week, as part of its effort to boost tourism.

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關鍵字tour for Open residence Zhang's hsinchu County's travel agencies young Marshal Chinese tourists
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