
A Getaway Trip to Jiaoshi
2010/11/28 06:45 綜合報導     地區:宜蘭縣報導



But if a skiing holiday doesn't sound that attractive to you, heading for a trip to Jiaoshi may be a better idea. From tea soaking to liquor absorbing.

Here on CTS, let's reveal all the different kinds of enjoyment you can experience at this hot tourist spot.

The water flowing from the porcelain vessel is light green in color and carries the light aroma of tea.

Those that have taken a dip in the Wufeng tea hot spring say that the experience is extremely relaxing and the scent is enjoyable.

This hot spring pool, meanwhile, is prepared with Maotai liquor imported from Guizhou.

The bubbly water is slightly grayish, and many tourists say that they get drunk just by soaking in the pool.

The water has an alcohol content of 53%, and the alcohol is quickly absorbed into the skin and heats up the body.

According to the proprietor of the hot spring, this pool can eliminate body odor.

During the cold months of winter, a dip in an herbal or medicinal hot spring pool can improve circulation and do wonders for the body.

Jiaosi's hot spring operators are constantly coming up with new ideas and gimmicks to attract tourists, and their endeavors have proven to be successful.

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