
Brave Canines in Training
2010/12/01 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



Police officers often rely on their four legged friends to help them solve cases, especially when it comes to drugs or explosives. Now, let's follow our camera to the south of Taiwan, to witness the camp for the first time, and to see how these brave canines are trained to fight crimes.

The specialized K-9 team in Taiwan has 12 police officers working with 30 police dogs, who have been going through strict and rigorous training before reporting to duty.

This is also the first time that the team is introduced in front of the camera since it was established in 2005.

The dogs are smart and can do their jobs on command, despite various terrains and obstacles.

But the K-9 team doesn't get any subsidies, only the name of the dogs and their training partners are written on the doors of the poor dog kennel, which took police officer on the team six months to build.

This is Ninja, the top police dog in the team, who once discovered 1,000 kilograms of marijuana seeds and Ketamine.

Although officers on the team often get bitten by dogs during training, they have no complaints since they are working with the dogs together in performing police duties.

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關鍵字Brave Canines IN training drugs explosives K-9 team police Dogs
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