
Ncc to Regulate Cartoons
2010/12/18 06:00 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



As many parents are expressing their worries regarding inappropriate behaviors in cartoons, the National Communications Commission is planning to categorize cartoons based on the contents. In the future, controversial cartoons will be prohibited during the hours when children are in the viewing audience.

"SpongeBob Squarepants" is a popular cartoon with children, but many parents say that the cartoon has had a detrimental effect on their children's behavior.

The cartoon "One Piece," meanwhile, is popular with viewers of all ages but often stirs controversy due to its numerous smoking scenes.

Although the cartoon now broadcasts with warnings, some parents feel that the warnings are not enough.

Legislators are calling for the establishment of a rating system for programs unsuitable for children under seven years of age, and the National Communications Commission has announced that it will be issuing a white paper on the broadcasting rights of children's programs on April 4th.

The NCC also hopes to create a rating system for children's programs that would categorize programs as suitable for pre-school age children,

children between six and 15 years of age, and children between 15 and 18 years of age.

Meanwhile, controversial cartoons will be banned during certain hours of the day.

The NCC is also calling on online providers to create cyber monitoring and filtering software to protect children.

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關鍵字NCC national Communications Commission cartoons inappropriate behaviors categorize prohibit Viewing audience SpongeBob Squarepants ONE Piece Smoking
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