
Road Test to Be Implemented
2010/12/21 06:00 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



You may have already obtained a driver's license, but are you really ready to hit the road behind the wheel? In order to make sure that all licensed drivers are equipped with enough experience and skills, the Directorate General of Highways is now planning to add an actual road test to the official driver's exam, which is scheduled to take effect nationwide in three years.

The first test item in the road test for driver's license is to do reverse parking.

Followed by parallel parking and forward and backward in a S-shaped curve.

These basic techniques are what drivers need to be very familiar with when they hit the real traffic.

Even though many people have got their driver's license, they dare not to drive.

According to the authorities responsible for the driver's license test, test-takers only need to tackle one test item at a time without other cars interfering.

But the actual traffic has a lot of cars.

The addition of road test in a real environment would be of great help to test-taker's future driving ability.

Therefore, the Directorate General of Highways plans to add the actual road test in three years.

Starting from July next year, the authority will begin a trial program in Northern Taiwan, with the routes still being planned.

In order to not affect the traffic, it will work with local policemen.

During the transitional period, such actual road test is optional but it will become compulsory when the policy goes into effect in three years.

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關鍵字Road Test TO Be Implemented experience Skills The Directorate general of highways driver's exam
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