
Water Drum Show on Nye
2010/12/31 06:00 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



A series of performances will take place on the night of the New Year's Eve to mark the first day of the centenary celebration. The well-known UTheatre will also present their water drum showcase by the Keelung River. Now, let's check out their first rehearsal.

Don't blink as the UTheatre is undertaking a special performance to celebrate the ROC Centenary.

Here we see these large red drums rising like the sun as water from the Keelung River and 48 different UTheatre performers representing important people in Taiwan.

Here they are leaving their story behind.

Aboriginal totems are also displayed on this world's largest curtain of water.

There are also water drums with the UTheatre staff arranged like a native 100-pacer snake, winding in the water, and step, turning ten degrees.

This represents the fact that Taiwanese have been able to use hardship and turn it into something that is nourishing. On this evening, how the UTheatre will perform alongside fireworks is also a secret.

Many may have to wait for this centenary celebration to enjoy this surprise.

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關鍵字Water drum Show on Nye performances NEW Year's Eve Centenary celebration UTheatre Keelung RIVER first Rehearsal
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