
2011/01/19 06:00 綜合報導     地區:台南市報導



Nominees of KMT and DPP have both registered their candidacies to run for legislative seats in the by-election of Tainan City. Former mayor Hsu Tain-tsair, the DPP's candidate, also paid a visit to the incumbent Tainan City Mayor Lai Chin-teh for support, which is seen as a reconciliation between the two politicians after the mayoral election last year.

Making his first visit after leaving office, former Tainan city mayor Hsu Tien-tsair seeks support from newly-elected mayor Lai Ching-teh two days after he completed the registration of legislative by-election on behalf of the DPP.

In fact, Lai said in public that he would support Hsu's candidacy after the DPP party central confirmed the nomination.

However, it's their first meeting after rumors that they've grown grudges against each other in the DPP's Tainan city primary.

It's a show of reconciliation.

Lai gave the guest a key to the legislative office and wished him victory, while admitting that he didn't support Lai at the beginning.

The meeting of the two mayors is a demonstration of DPP integration and its determination to win the by-election.

On the other hand, the KMT failed to recruit National Youth Commission minister Wang Yu-ting and incumbent minister of Mongolian and Tibetan Affairs Kao Su-po to run the by-election.

Running the race on behalf of the KMT, incumbent legislator-at-large Chen Shu-hui said that she looks at the party unity issue positively, saying that the party had been looking for a candidate for more than a month.

The two political officials didn't affect the election planning since they were unable to run the race on the party's behalf.

Chen says she will work with the party to start her campaign and compete with her DPP rival.

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關鍵字Tainan by-election race on The WAY registered candidacies Legislative Seats Former Mayor Hsu Tain-tsair Mayor Lai Chin-teh
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