The splendid Asian Youth Dragon Dance Championship was held in Miaoli last weekend, with competitors from seven countries showcasing their unique skills. The fluorescent dragons were decorated with LED lights, which created a spectacular display of dragon dance in the night. This fluorescent green dragon is shining in the dark night, as it moves to the music. Dancers wear these outfits, and steer the dragon who is chasing the pearl with various colors, such as fluorescent green and red dragons appearing with their fabric being fluorescent, and their skeletal structure also having LED lights. The skilled movement of these individuals is all part of the annual "Luminous Dragon" Asian Youth Dragon Dance Championships which are held in the Miaoli Dome. Each team must write a story that accompanies these movements along with music and action from the dragon. The Taiwan team, in the end, took 4th place, as this activity helped reinforce local culture and allowed traditional Chinese arts to continue. ◆ 追蹤更多華視影音及圖文新聞: 1.用Plurk追蹤華視影音及圖文新聞:追蹤 2.用Twitter追蹤華視影音及圖文新聞:追蹤