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2011/05/03 06:00 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



According to the latest U.S. research, that's based on the records of American and British patients,

women taking the new version of the top-selling oral contraceptive are two to three times more likely to develop serious blood clots,

compared to those using the older birth-control pills. However, both studies noted that the overall risk of blood clots is relatively low.

The Department of Health in Taiwan is reminding those who suffer from obesity or have a history of similar health issues to avoid taking the new type of pills.

One of the preferred options for birth control is pills. But a latest U.S. research shows that the new generation of birth control pills doubles the blood clot risks than the older version.

The Department of Health says that the blood clot risks come with birth control pills, but there haven't been any similar cases reported in Taiwan.

Taiwan Association of Obstetrics and Gynecology says that such research result in the United States may relate to the body types of women in Europe and the U.S. and their susceptibility to obesity.

Clinically, the risks of blood clot are much lower in Taiwan.

The Department of Health has required birth control pill manufacturers to declare the risks of blood clot in the drug instructions, and it reminds those with the history of blood clot or are obese, pregnant, feeding, or over the age of 35 and smoking, not to take birth control pills.

One should take the pills under medical supervision and seek immediate medical attention if there are any symptoms such as limb numbness while taking the medicine.

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關鍵字NEW BIRTH-CONTROL pills more Dangerous manufacturer TAIWAN Association of Obstetrics and Gynecology
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