節目表 UShare


2011/05/30 06:00 綜合報導     地區:台中市報導



It's quite common to see foreigners teaching English in Taiwan these days, but probably not many of them have official theatrical training like Taoyuan's veteran English instructor Tommy, who helps to develop the students' language skills as well as self-confidence through the power of drama.

These sprightly teenagers are a group of lovers of dramatic art from a secondary school in Taoyuan, rehearsing for a major theatrical performance, in which they won't speak their lines in their mother tongue but in English.

"Isn't he beautiful?

Isn't he powerful?

Isn't he..."

"What? What have you done with my David?"

It's not clear what has been done to "David" in the play, but apparently a great deal of teaching has already been done to help these students attain their current level of English speaking and acting skills.

And it's this man, a South African named Peter Thomas Jackel, that deserves most of the credit.

"Yes, that's the whole purpose.

But what happens in their drama?

Who are the three very famous people that appear?

For example, who is in place of Mona Lisa?"

"Lady Gaga"

Under his instruction, high school English drama troupes in Taoyuan have won the national championship for three consecutive years.


"A dragon?"

"No one has ever seen a dragon!"

"But what's that?"

"Oh, no! It's a dragon.

Run, girls, run!"

Jackel, better known as Tommy by his students, came to Taiwan and started teaching English 18 years ago, but he soon found that he couldn't make himself understood in class, forcing him to learn Mandarin.

"Why do I speak Mandarin so well?

Because my students can't speak much English.

I must try to communicate with them,

for they have trouble with grammar sometimes,

or with the meaning of words.

And explanations in English

doesn't help them much.

But if they have a very handsome,

And very humorous foreign teacher...

Did I say it's me?

That way, I can make English classes

more interesting for them."

A drama major back in college, Tommy uses his theatrical knowledge not just to help the students develop better language skills, but to build their confidence as well.

"Students here are under tremendous pressure

They have to prepare for so many tests.

So we found a way to encourage them.

Acting helps to boost their confidence.

And change their attitude.

That will help them in their tests.

This time, we work with many schools.

Some students were very shy at first.

But once on stage, they look more confident.

The newfound confidence can help with their studies

and with their tests."

While Tommy expects his students to remember their lines, it's more important for him that they will keep the messages of the plays in mind.

"And our biggest topic is?"

"Family is everything."

"Right. That's our purpose for the junior high school drama.

'Carte Blanche' is very, very funny.

But it has a message.

First message, what?


"Don't lie."

"Don't lie, right? Don't lie."

Having spent nearly two decades in Taiwan, Tommy admits there is a lot to love about the island.

"After living so many years in Taiwan...

I don't know...

Taiwan is just like my family.

Everyone is helpful and nice.

And the students are very cute.

But perhaps too cute sometimes."

And his students love him too.

"He taught me a lot about...

when you're on stage,

giving a performance,

You should try to be more expressive,

and not be too shy.

Also, trust your fellow actors.

The performance won't be good

if there is no mutual trust."

"Do you like Tommy, your teacher?

What's the most remarkable thing about him?"

"Actually, he is very handsome."

"Yes, he's very handsome."

"He often teaches in a humorous way.

So we don't feel bored.

And we're happy to be in his class."

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