節目表 UShare


2011/06/11 06:00 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



The recent plasticizer scandal has prompted a lot of people to re-examine their daily habits for fear that they may pose health risks. And our first story of the day will offer you some tips about how to use plastic containers without jeopardizing your health.

It is very common and convenient for people to buy sealed in-cup drinks at tea shops, or get a cup of coffee at convenient stores.

However, habits like these may jeopardize our health because we've consumed too many kinds of plasticizers as we eat the takeout foods in all kinds of plastic containers.

After the breakout of the plasticizer scare, more and more people are noticing that their lives are filled with plastic products.

Most of the plastic products or containers have a triangular symbol on the bottom with a number inside it, with each number representing one type of plastic.

There are total 7 types of plastics, and type 2, 4 and 5 plastic products have smaller chance of plasticizer leakage.

Experts warn that the public should never microwave or heat up those plastic containers.

However, experts are even more concerned with the quality of straws and lunch box containers because most of the products have no clear labels and may already be contaminated by heavy metals.

According to a research from National Yang Ming University, people in Taiwan has plasticizer residue that is 5 to 10 times more than people in the U.S. and Germany.

Researchers speculate that the reason could be over usage of plastic products in our daily life.

Though it is already known that plasticizer can affect human reproductive system and cause sex premature in infants, medical experts believe that plastic products may have more negative effects on us than we expect.

Some experts believe that it may be a good chance for the public to re-examine their dependencies on plastic products.

They suggest that people should replace plastic containers with glass, porcelain or metal containers.

In addition, in order to get away from the harmful effect of plasticizers, people are advised to drink more water instead of bottled drinks or soft drinks,

while trying to consume vegetables and fruits, and keeping up a regular exercise habit to increase body's natural detoxifying function.

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關鍵字University Ming Yang national scandal plasticizer
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