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2011/07/01 06:00 綜合報導     地區:台東縣報導



Around 300 Green Island residents have launched a protest against the central and local governments, whom they believe have long ignored their need for better transportation and basic infrastructure on the island.

The people also criticized the government for making empty promises.

Green Island is one of the hottest tourist attractions in Eastern Taiwan, with endless natural scenery and the famous outdoor hot spring next to the sea.

It is a must visit location for tourists who want to have a dive during the summers.

However, just before the peak travel season in Green Island starts, around 300 local residents launched a rare protest against central and local governments' negligence over the island's basic infrastructure development.

Their first complaint is the transportation connecting Green Island and Taiwan.

Several years ago, the Taitung County Government built a wharf and a tourist center in order to transport more passengers.

However, the wharf is so badly designed that the gap between the wharf and the water level is too big, and boat passengers have to walk to another wharf to take the boats, while the tourist center can only serve as the ticketing booth now.

Residents criticized that the wrong design is a waste of taxpayers' money.

Furthermore, they said that there is no public restroom for tourists on the island, doubting how the island is going to develop tourism with such a poor infrastructure.

"We've asked for a public restroom for over 20 years,

and the government just ignored our requests."

Residents and others are constantly complaining on the poor medical quality on the island. The government has promised to rebuild the island's public health bureau.

But as years have passed, the residents said it's just empty talks.

With the increasing number of tourists, and local elderly residents, it is urgent to build a hospital with facilities and medical personnel sufficient to cope with the medical needs.

In addition, residents said that the county government has set up numerous restrictions for residents who want to run tourist businesses.

However, the county government is planning to rent the government owned land to big enterprises to operate tourists businesses, such as Ocean Park and hot spring resort.

The protesters hope that their voices can be heard through the demonstration and the demonstration ended peacefully after several hours.

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關鍵字green island Protest Central and local governments
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