節目表 UShare


2011/07/06 06:00 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



The Taipei City government is fining the American company, Google Incorporation, one million NT dollars for refusing to offer a seven-day trial period for consumers, who purchase cell phone software applications.

After a closed-door negotiation, the Taipei City government has agreed to give a two-week grace period while Google decides if it will change its service regulations.

Taipei City government fined world-famous search engine company, Google Inc. one million NT dollars for refusing to offer a 7-day free-trial period to consumers who purchase smart phone software applications. Taipei City government considers it as a violation of the consumers protection regulation.

"Google personnel emphasized that the company understand that they need to obey local laws, but they also need to balance between global and local markets.

So they will report the case to the U.S. headquarters and see if they will make adjustment to their service regulations."

Taipei City government said that according to Google's Android Market service regulations, those who buy and download application software through the online platform have only a 15-minute window to return the application if they are not satisfied.

However, it violates Taiwan's consumers protection law, which stipulates that consumers are entitled to return products they have bought online and get refunds within seven days of purchase.

And therefore, the city government hopes that Google can revise their service regulations, and extend the window to 7 days.

On the other hand, Apple Inc. has announced at the end of last month that it will follow Taiwan's regulation, and allow Taiwanese consumers to get a refund within seven days of purchase.

"Apple Inc. has informed us that it has begun revising its software system, and the new system will start operation on July 8th."

Taipei City government said that if Google fails to revise its standard contract of the Android Market app store before July 14th, it may be fined further.

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關鍵字google Incorporation Taipei City government Android market apple Inc
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