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2011/07/20 06:00 綜合報導     地區:國外報導



Nobody wants to get fired, but do you know how to secure your job better? Let's start with the ten things you should NOT do at work.

First, Get Conveniently Sick

We all get sick sometimes, but repeatedly call in sick on Mondays will just make your colleagues and supervisors wonder if you're oftentimes having hangover from the weekend parties. It's okay to take days off when you need them, but if you take too many at the wrong times, for instance, in the middle of a busy season, may reflect your poor dedication to the company.

Second, Lie on Your Job Application

Everyone beefs up their resume, but if you overdo it, and if your job performance is not as good as your boss expect it, your resume may be reviewed again. An inconsistency in your resume and job performance could be used to get you out of the company.

Even if you are doing a good job, your boss may still fire you if he finds out that you lied about your resume, because it reflects your character.

Third, Be Disgusting. Personal hygiene is not only the first step to good health, but also an important step to a good job. According to Roy Cohen, a New York City career coach and author of The Wall Street Professional's Survival Guide, he has a number of clients who are managers that have unkempt employees, and when its time for downsizing, they are at the top of the list. So, believe it or now, your hygiene habits are no longer your personal decision.

Fourth, Stay Anonymous.

There's a saying, which goes "Silence is gold" but if you think you can use it as a motto at your work, you are wrong. If you always keep your head down, never remind your boss of your contributions and accomplishments, and aren't a familiar face to the higher-ups, you aren't going to be remembered. If you never speak up in meetings or share your ideas, your boss may think you are a person who doesnt have ideas.

Fifth, Never Compromise

Of course it is true and essential that we oftentimes need to be forceful to get things done in the business world, however, promoting the ideas to a proper degree is the key. Cohen said that authoritarian people who always want to do things their way, often times come across as single-minded and critical of others' ideas. He added, "If your ideas are smarter than everyone else's, they'll rise to the surface and be appreciated -- unless you don't listen to anyone else, ever."

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關鍵字Anonymous stay application job your on Lie sick Conveniently get job
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