節目表 UShare


2011/07/22 06:00 綜合報導     地區:國外報導



English actress Kate Winslet is showing off her curves in a new advertisement, as she talks about how you don't have to be slender to be gorgeous.

Oscar-winning actress Kate Winslet has been named as the new face of U.S. brand St. John for their 2011 autumn campaign. She may not be a size zero, but she has a unique kind of beauty and charm that people can't deny.

While many women are trying hard to lose weight, Winslet has her own opinion on what beauty really is. She has been outspoken about her refusal to allow Hollywood to dictate her weight, including requesting apology from a media that digitally altered her photo to make her look thinner. Winslet stated that her move is to demonstrate her commitment to the views regarding women's body issues, namely that women should accept their appearance with pride.

The director of the campaign, George Sharp described Kate as an ideal choice for the new campaign, saying that she is an accomplished, beautiful woman with an extraordinary body of work, and one of the most admired actors of her generation."

Meanwhile, as a successful actress and a mother, Kate said that she hopes to set an example for her ten-year-old daughter, Mia, by showing her that she 'can have it all.'

She is indeed setting an example for a lot of girls and women, that we shouldn't let others or the society rule how we should look.

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關鍵字Oscar-winning Kate Winslet George sharp St. John Mother
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