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2011/10/24 06:00 綜合報導     地區:國外報導



  In addition to Boyz II Men's numerous Grammys and multiplatinum status, the pop group is celebrating an accomplishment many successful acts will never see: twenty years in the music industry. To celebrate this milestone, the group comprised of Wanya Morris, Shawn Stockman, and Nathan Morris, will release a double CD full of thier top hits and new music. Nathan Morris, Boyz II Men: "When we first did the songs they were just given to us and we went into the studio and got it done.


  But now we've been singing them for so long and even experienced some of the stuff that we've been singing about. Now that we are much older they definitely have different meaning and we're able to express them a lot better." The trio, which originally started as a quintet, parted ways with former member Michael McCary in the early 2000s. Nathan Morris, Boyz II Men: "We actually tried to bring him back for the 20th anniversary concept, even though we weren't, as you say, all on the best of terms.

  When the situation went down nine years ago when he departed he did have some health issues, but there were also issues where he kind of got lazy, wasn't really doing all the things that we feel takes to be Boyz II Men and it wasn't an amicable separation." Over the course of twenty years, their music has influenced everyone from Beyonce, to heartthrob Justin Bieber, who was a little bit more than excited during a chance meeting.

  SOUNDBITE: Wanya Morris, Boyz II Men: "He was like 'I love you guys man, you guys are like my favorite man. You know, I learned how to sing from you guys. My favorite song is 'I'll Make Love to You' but my mom wouldn't let me sing it because I was too young and so I would sneak in my room and sing it.' So we were like, well maybe one day we can get something together and do some work together." And that day has come - the group will be featured on Bieber's upcoming Christmas release. Twenty will hit record stores on October 25.

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關鍵字Boyz II Men Grammys and multiplatinum status SOUNDBITE Michael McCary
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