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2011/10/25 18:00 綜合報導     地區:國外報導



Singer turned director Madonna stole the show with her latest directorial effort, drama film "W.E" on the red carpet of the 55th London Film Festival, which blends two romances from different time periods together, constantly referring the modern love relationship with the affair of King Edward VIII and Wallis Simpson.

Sitting in both the director and writer's chair, the "Queen of Pop" Madonna was joined by the main cast members of "W.E", on the red carpet to promote for her new film, which centers around the much-publicized and highly denounced relationship of King Edward VIII and American divorcee Wallis Simpson. His strong will to be with the woman he loved, eventually led him to abdicate his British throne.

Although "W.E" has been featured in both Toronto and Venice film festivals already, Madonna said that she's more nervous about how it would be received in London.

"Slightly more nerve racking because it is about an English king, it is primarily filmed in England, it is an English production, most of my actors are English and I know the Brits are tough critics but I hope they like it".

The material girl joked that even though she enjoys unleashing the creative side of her on the big screen, she would always have to return to music for more money."Sure, but I have to go back into the recording studio first and make a living,"

Both of the leading actors James D'Arcy and Andrea Riseborough said that they were thrilled to have the opportunity to work with Madonna, with D'Arcy revealing the real reason why he took on the role.

"Well yes, half and half, half interested in the role, half interested in Madonna. Come on, let's be honest, it's Madonna. Everybody wants to meet her and have a go, to try and work with her, it would be great,"

"W.E" is slated for release in the U.S. this coming winter.

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關鍵字Madonna showcased W.E . London
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