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2011/12/16 06:00 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



  Actor George Clooney is doing global outreach for a cause he's long been passionate about, for the plight of refugees in the Darfur region of Sudan, just right before the Oscar nomination next Thursday.

  Clooney visited Sydney earlier this week to give a speech and donate his appearance fee to the satellite company, which is supported by his organization "Not On Our Watch" to monitor activity on the Sudanese border.

  "Not On Our Watch" is founded by Clooney, along with his celeb friends including Matt Damon, Brad Pitt and Don Cheadle, in a bid to bring global attention and resources towards putting an end to mass atrocities around the world. The organization has been engaged in international advocacy and providing humanitarian assistance in countries such as Sudan, Burma and Zimbabwe.

  "I've got a satellite in the air over the border of the Sudan where a lot of bad things have happened,"

  "We're just trying to keep it financed, basically, and so, you get speaking fees when you show up at some of these things -- I do three or four of them a year -- and the idea is to use the money to try and keep, it costs a couple million dollars to keep satellites up in the air, so my job, basically, is to keep it up there in any way we can."

  Clooney has never been shy about using his star power to do the greater good.

  "A lot of my friends have been doing it for a long period of time,"

  "I knew that I needed to be very specific and understand one issue really well, so I had to immerse myself and learn about it. And I've had some luck, and of course, I'm often wrong because that's what happens when you work in other people's playgrounds, but you try, you do the best you can, and that's what I've been doing for a few years now. And mostly the reason is because, as you know, and you're around it and you see it a lot, there's a tremendous amount of attention towards celebrity now, of one version or another, earned or not, and it's not so bad if you can deflect some of that to places that don't get attention."

  Since 2003, the civil war in Darfur has taken over 300,000 lives and forced over 2.5 million people flee from their homes. The United Nations has called the situation in Darfur the world's worst humanitarian disaster.

(Source: Not On Our Watch)

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