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2011/12/22 06:00 綜合報導     地區:國外報導



  You probably have never seen this before -- Santa being hoisted by crane into a chimney. But for Santa, this trip was a test run -- to make sure he could fit into the chimney on Christmas Eve.

  It all started when the parents of Leo Park began building a new home near Cirencester, England. Young Leo became very concerned that the proposed chimney - Santa's usual route of entry - wouldn't be big enough to accommodate the rotund St. Nick and that Father Christmas would get stuck inside.

  Leo Park: "The chimney- it wasn't big enough for Santa to go down." So, Leo rallied into action --- penning this letter to the owner of the estate, Jeremy Paxton, where he spelled out his concerns. Paxton, feeling the Christmas spirit, responded, hiring architects and mathematicians to make sure that the chimney was adequate in size.

  And the chimney passed the Santa test. Despite the costs, Paxton says it was well worth it. Founder and Owner of Lower Mill Estate, Jeremy Paxton: "I'm absolutely delighted not just that Santa fitted into the chimney, but that little boy Leo said to me, 'That was the best day of my life' which made the whole thing worthwhile."

  Santa: "His letter was an absolute.. it was an inspiration to me this morning. To see the way he had actually asked about whether I could fit down the chimney, which I thought was fantastic. And then all the boys here, all the technical team, the crane, they've been magnificent."

  The formula for building the chimney may not be a one-shot deal. Paxton thinks he can sell it to others. Founder and Owner of Lower Mill Estate, Jeremy Paxton: "We are even thinking of offering it as a sensible add on option, because I bet you some people will say 'We want a Santa perfect chimney now so that Santa can come down and roll out into the lounge."

  Leo won't be moving into his new home until next year -- but he'll know then that when Santa visits next December, he'll fit right in. (Andrew Schmertz/Reuters)

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關鍵字Santa LEO Park The chimney Despite The costs
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