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2012/01/16 06:00 綜合報導     地區:國外報導



  L.A. artist Chris Burden has presented his latest work "Metropolis II" to show what future L.A. will look like in his imagination.

  Brown has watched the city evolve since 1960. For him, L.A. will become a fast-paced Metropolis, a city where cars are digitally controlled and can drive at rapid speeds without the danger of crashing.

  1,000 cars on 18 freeways at speeds of 240 miles per hour circulate the large-scale kinetic sculpture, which can be viewed at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art.

  Burden says the balconies at the exhibit offer a unique perspective for visitors.

  (SOUNDBITE) Chris Burden: "Part of being satisfied as an individual, in life, in general, is feeling that you have some control over a situation, and here, you're godlike because you go upstairs and you look down on it, and this thing is contained, and even though the noise level and the activity give you a sense of anxiety, you know you're safe here, and you feel Godlike in being able to sort of observe it from above, and enjoy the activity without being fully immersed in it."

  Every hour, the equivalent of approximately 100,000 cars circulate through the sculptures skyscrapers. Museum director Michael Govan says that while Los Angeles is an important city in terms of art, it doesn't compare to places with visible landmarks, like Paris, Rome, and New York.

  Michael Govan, director, Los Angeles County Museum of Art: "L.A. doesn't have single landmarks in that way, it's the all-over quality, the sense that it's all over, and you actually think about an art tradition and the abstract expressionists, or Jackson Pollock, created compositions that were all over, there was no one focal point, and so, in a way, Chris has translated that artistic tradition and the qualities of LA into a composition that works."

  "Metropolis II" is now on long-term loan at the Los Angeles County Musuem of Art starting last weekend.

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關鍵字L.A. artist CHRIS Burden Metropolis II CHRIS Burden Michael Govan
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