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2012/04/16 06:00 綜合報導     地區:國外報導



  The mother of all superhero movies, "The Avengers," featuring stars including Robert Downey Jr. and Scarlett Johansson, premiered in Los Angeles earlier last week.Johansson talked about what she looked forward to, at the end of each day filming action packed scenes.

  Scarlett Johansson: "I think at the end of the day when you take your suit off you're just thinking, 'I lived to survive another day.' We spent so much time in this movie fighting each other, fighting the bad guys, and you're bruised, you're battered, and I think at the end of the day you're just thinking, 'dinner.'"

  She's amongst a list of recruits put together by "Nick Fury", played by Samuel L. Jackson. His job is to save the world from evil god Loki, played by British actor Tom Hiddleston. Fury assembles a team of superheroes to fight, but far too often their egos get in the way. Despite the strenuous and often physically grueling scenes some actors had to film, Jackson, 63, requested to director Joss Whedon that he did not want to be part of it.

  Samuel L. Jackson: "It's just me being sort of an old guy, saying, 'I can get things done, and not run." "He made me run once, but he apologized. He said, 'You have to run just one time.'"

  To his team, Fury adds "Captain America" played by Chris Evans, "The Hulk" starring Mark Ruffalo and "Hawkeye", played by Jeremy Renner.

  Marvel Comics' "Iron Man" kicked off the series and its star Robert Downey Jr. said he was happy to be sharing the spotlight.

  Robert Downey Jr.: "For me the 'Iron Man' franchise is what opened up all these other opportunities in some ways. It's really fun. 'The Avengers' is a much broader audience in net that it's casting, which I think is smart and kind of cool and I don't know, I like to work."

  Australian actor Chris Hemsworth plays Thor, the brother of Loki, and explained that Thor's situation is a little bit more unique than the rest of the characters battling for earth's survival."You know the storyline in this is that his brother's there causing chaos,"

  "His motivation of how to stop him is with a little softer approach than the rest of the guys because they're not related to him, so it's an interesting mix."

  The big budget Disney film is based on the Marvel comic book series, first published in 1963, and tells of agent Nick Fury's recruitment effort to form a superhuman team to save the world from evil god Loki.

  The action adventure will open in Taiwan cinemas on April 25, with other places to open shortly thereafter.

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關鍵字FILM The Avengers ROBERT Downey Jr. Scarlett Johansson
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