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2012/04/27 06:00 綜合報導     地區:國外報導



  They're not a boy band, they're a man band. The quartet called Under the Streetlamp says the best way to describe them is as a modern twist of the Temptations or the Four Tops. Group member Michael Cunio.

  Michael Cunio:"What we are, more realistically, is something more akin to the Temptations or the Four Tops. Those were vocal groups, those were 4 guys, 5 guys singing lead. It's a pretty unique thing that any one of us can take center stage and hold his own."Consisting of veteran stage performers: Cunio, Shonn Wiley, Michael Ingersoll and Christopher Kale Jones - their repertoire comes from what they call the "American Radio Songbook", which includes doo-wop, Motown and old-time rock.

  Michael Cunio: "The generation that came before us grew up listening to this music and passed it along to us and now we are stewards of this music to the next generation."But no matter the audience, the fellas always aim to please. Cunio and Ingersoll explain.

  Michael Cunio: "We are a band, we are musicians, we sing songs. But the songs are the excuse for us to make fun of our friends, have a good time on stage and hopefully share that experience with the audience."

  Michael Ingersoll: "And we tell stories, and we talk to the audience. And the audience talks back to us too. It's a dialogue, we invite them too."

  Michael Cunio: "If you leave the show and you want to have a beer with us then we've done our job."

Michael Ingersoll: "And we would like to have a beer with you too. Especially if it's on you. [laughing]" Under the Streetlamp kick off their U.S. tour in Los Angeles on May 1st.

(Alicia Powell/ Reuters)

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