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2012/05/14 06:00 綜合報導     地區:國外報導



  The demonstrators are out on the streets in full force to fight for income equality.

  In London, hundreds took part in the occupy movement's global day of action, in which clashes were reported during the protest outside of the Bank of England.

  Activist: "The rich are getting incredibly rich at the expense of our public services. So we're going to come here today and we're going to go to their front door and we're going to make our voice known on behalf of everybody in this country because we know that we represent the vast majority of people."

  In Spain, the march was even more intense, with tens of thousands venting out their anger against corporate greed and the government's unpopular austerity cuts on the first anniversary of the "Indignados" movement.

  In Italy, the Italians showed their disapproval over Prime Minister Mario Monti's government, consisted of technocrats who were first brought on board to tackle the financial crisis.

  Marcia Landi: "We are discontented because they continue to implement reforms that are not equal and look after the interests of the same usual elite and they always put their hands in the workers' and citizens' pockets.

  Outside the stock exchange in Germany's Frankfurt, a crowd of Occupy supporters used an iron cast statue of a bull to represent their thoughts, showing what capitalism can do.

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關鍵字Occupy Protest London Spain Italy Germany
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