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2012/05/24 06:00 綜合報導     地區:國外報導



  The largest translocation project ever in Europe is currently taking place in Zurich as construction workers are moving a 6,200-ton building 60 meters westward, in one piece. The building that is being moved away is the 122-year-old Machine Factory Oerlikon (MFO) building, which was facing demolishment in 2010 due to the expansion of nearby railway lines.

  The public handed in a petition to save it, emphasizing its cultural importance for the region. Together with its new owner, Swiss real estate company, Swiss Prime Site (SPS), decided to have the 6,200-tonne building moved in its entirety.

  But moving the 80 metres long and 12 metres wide building is not an easy task. Preparation on the site started last summer, with the buildings supporting basement walls being replaced by steel pillars. Then, a concrete plate with tracks on top was constructed under the building before the building was placed on special carriages.

  With the use of 500 rollers and two hydraulic pressers, the old factory building is due to be pushed to its new position slowly at a speed of around three to five metres per hour. And the entire project has cost Swiss Prime Site 12.7 million US dollars so far, just to preserve the Zurich landmark.

  SPS chief investment officer, Peter Lehmann"Maybe it's crazy, but we're very happy that we've found a solution about this problem of what should we do with this property, now we can save this property maybe for another hundred years"

  "What is special is that an old building like that have history, they're full of emotions, and also people round about this property have lots of emotions for this building. It was for more than 100 years the heart of the machine industry of Zurich. And all the people are happy we could save this property like it is."

  The translocation of the Machine Factory Oerlikon (MFO) is expected to take two days.

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關鍵字building Oerlikon factory machine Europe
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