
Taiko boosts self esteem
2010/07/15 06:45 綜合報導     地區:宜蘭縣報導



A Taiko drum team has been formed to provide children with a healthy alternative instead of engaging in fights and other harmful habits.

A social welfare center in Yilan focuses on developing this activity, a form of Japanese drumming, for many children who are from single-parent families, and who have no access to any other afterschool or summer activities.

From this drum exercise, these kids have an outlet to release their energy and tension in a positive manner while boosting their self-esteem.

This ten-year-old girl often fought with her classmates at school. However, by practicing Taiko, she now has a chance to unleash any pent-up energy in a way that is not harmful to herself or others.

With expressions of intensity and concentration, the children's level of focus is obvious as they raise their arms in the motions of Taiko. They are learning this art form through a program organized by Yilan's Taiwan Fund for Children and Families.

Due to their minimal budget, each kid must practice in a classroom on summer days without air conditioning, and yet they never complain. The children have gained many opportunities to prove themselves, and are confident performing even before international guests.

By playing Taiko, the children learn a skill that gives them a sense of accomplishment and self worth.

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關鍵字family single-parent Yilan Center welfare social HABIT esteem self team drum Taiko
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