
Flood relief puppet show
2010/07/15 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



The glove puppetry troupe from the Taipei Municipal Pingdeng Elementary School, which was founded by the late puppeteer Li Tien-lu, is collaborating with the Spanish puppet group, for a meaningful purpose, all to bring entertainment for the victims of Typhoon Morakot.

These students skillfully reenact Sun Wukong's epic battle with Red Boy during their performance of "Fire Cloud Cave," which is their signature show.

Taipei Municipal Pingdeng Elementary School's Taiwan Children Hand Puppet Troupe will be touring the island and performing for Typhoon Morakot victims and orphans this summer.

After hearing of the troupe's summer plans, a Spanish troupe that performed with Pingdeng's troupe last year decided to travel to Taiwan at their own expense to join the tour.

Shan Di, who has over 20 years of experience in puppet theater, couldn't say enough about the troupe's performance.

Taiwan Children Hand Puppet Troupe was established 23 years ago under the tutelage of late renowned puppeteer Li Tien-lu, and has been instrumental in keeping this traditional art alive.

The members of the troupe say that puppet theater training is hard work, but also well worth it.

As the troupe's 16 members account for 20% of the school's student body, its staff sponsor hopes that students interested in puppet theater can transfer to Pingdeng Elementary School.

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關鍵字glove Puppetry troupe Taipei Municipal Pingdeng elementary school The victims of typhoon Morakot Spanish puppet group fire Cloud Cave
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