
Studying in china
2010/07/19 06:45 綜合報導     地區:國外報導



With Hong Kong and Mainland China's colleges recruiting students from Taiwan, students now have a greater selection of schools to attend.

Among the 12 students recently chosen, politician Lee Ao's son, Lee Kan, is among the bunch being accepted to China's Peking University.

Applying for colleges with basic exam scores are slowly taking place. According to Chinese press, Peking University accepted the top 12 Taiwanese students out of 60 that applied. Yeh Pei-jie, who is about to be a senior, forgone National Taiwan University for Peking University.

She affirms Peking University's free spirit and it's international air. Taiwanese students can choose to take politics classes or Mao's theory. She said there isn't the threat of brain washing as some people say. But because of the two country's unique circumstances, some of the stuff she learned is different from what she was taught in Taiwan. Those that choose to attend Chinese college should be prepared.

Yeh believes more students attending college in China is a trend that can't be stopped. She said although Taiwan and China's culture and language are the same, as long as she left Taiwan, she considered herself as having studied in another country.

Besides preparing yourself, Yeh said asking others about their experience in China before going there will help minimize the impacts.

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關鍵字CHINA Hong Kong Mainland CHINA colleges Mao Peking University Chinese press LEE Kan LEE Ao
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