
Ma’s message to china
2010/07/13 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台南市報導



President Ma Ying-jeou attended a forum on ECFA in Tainan recently, where he assured the participants that ECFA's implementation will bring great benefits to Taiwan's agriculture as well as other industries. And cross-strait affairs in the future will be conducted on the basis of pragmatism, which is the essence of his message to the leader of China.

Over 10 of the 18 agricultural products in the early harvest list for ECFA are produced in Tainan.

The stage was filled with these products as President Ma arrived in Tainan.

Some farmers even gave the President gifts.

Various small and medium enterprise owners say saving import tax will help their businesses.

The government and elected officials assured the public again at this event.

Compared to forums before ECFA was signed, this seems like a celebration.

KMT honorary chairman Wu Poh-hsiung is in China attending another forum.

President Ma hopes the two countries face realities and work on mutual trust to live in different systems that will benefit both sides.

He hopes the two countries can move forward with these principals and hopes Wu can deliver this message to China's leader.

Although ECFA has been signed, blue and green party legislators are arguing over the review session.

Presidential Office spokesman Lo Chi-chang said the DPP shouldn't give up their duty to review ECFA.

Although the DPP held an anti-ECFA march earlier, they will now vote against the agreement in the Legislative Yuan.

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關鍵字KMT Poh-hsiung Wu CHINA DPP Agriculture benefit ECFA Ying-jeou MA President
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