
Pink eye disease outbreak
2010/07/21 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



Pink eye disease has been rapidly spreading throughout Taiwan this summer, with the number of patients growing nearly tenfold in a month's time. Doctors say that to prevent from getting infected, it is necessary to wash hands frequently and avoid eye rubbing.


There is a long queue outside this ophthalmology clinic as the number of patients have grown because of a conjunctivitis epidemic.

Commonly known as "pink eye" many are seeking treatment. Doctors say conjunctivitis can be caused by a range of viruses, though mainly it is due to contact with eye secretions of infected patients.

It has a strong rate of transmission and the incubation period can last two weeks as one member of a family can lead to infection amongst the entire family.

The Centers for Disease Control say the epidemic is due to the "Coxsackie virus", which is a form of enterovirus. In Taipei City alone, the number of case of conjunctivitis saw a rapid surge in the past month.

Typically, each week would see 2 or 3 people which has increased to 10 patients and in the 3rd week, 30 people came down with it.

Also, this disease is not only affecting people in the northern area as the south has issue a similar warning. The CDC recommends people to frequently wash their hands and avoid using other people's towels.

If your eyes are feeling uncomfortable as well as fear of light and other sensory irritation, or potentially fever, vomiting, or loss of appetite and other symptoms, please seek medical treatment as soon as possible.

Also, one should avoid making appearances in public places.

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關鍵字PINK EYE disease outbreak conjunctivitis Coxsackie virus he Centers for disease Control
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